What kind of Demons are there? Do they have a hierarchy?

I want to tell you a little bit about the hierarchy of the Demonic system . I could not find any literature of any content more or less sane on Demons. Therefore, this is only my observations and personal experience.

There are Archdemons – this is a certain retinue, which includes a certain number of a certain retinue of several Demons, or several hundred, or dozens of Demons, in different ways can be.

Demons in turn, they have their own retinue, they have a retinue of Devils. This is a clear hierarchy of subordination, it is like in any other company: there is a General Director, then there is a Deputy General Director and he has some subordinates there. Here is the same story: there is an Archdemon, there is a Demon and then Devils.

As for the Little Devils (Chort, Cherti). Little Devils they do not relate to the system as a whole, they are very easy to determine by the look in the eyes: it is individual, separate, it is on its own, it has nothing to do with anyone. Here I am, myself, myself, myself, the self, here I am, myself, I’m so beautiful. If You saw in your eyes this here “myself, myself, myself” – 100% there is a Little Devil.

Archdemon, it is the incredible power. In the eyes of a person with Archdemon You will see such a strength inside. Goosebumps, what strength and power is in this Entity.

Archdemon – this is just a chill on the skin when you look into the eyes. It is clearly, clearly traced.

A Demon has a smaller charge  than the Archdemon, smaller power.

A Devil is such a substance… They’re mostly bandits, I’d say. They are naughty. Devils they are like “Woo-hoo!” If you see this little madness in the eyes of a person, this recklessness – its a Devil inside.

Devils do not have the right to change their face. So if you look at the Devil  You can see it as it is.

A Demon is a substance like smoke, you know, and it can show different faces from day to day, it is changing. It is constantly moving, changing, trying to confuse You. If you see such changes in the eyes of a person,  this is an indicator of the demonic structure, not the Devil, but exactly the Demon. Here is approximately such a classification.

Aliens, of course, are just glass eyes, really glass. It  is very difficult to fall through the eyes and see something, but you look and understand that this is a real force. But the do not allow you to see them, the eyes are like glass. This is already an indicator of the Alien.

Should I be afraid of Demons?

What makes you afraid? Fear is caused by illusions that have been fed to us for hundreds and thousands of years. They told us to be afraid of them, to run away from them. You should only be afraid when you engage them in combat. Then they are really very strong and powerful.

And when you pour your love on them from your Anahata (because You must clearly understand that You must feed them with energy balls, and from the heart space “pour” them with love that is available to You – as a mother loves a child, to parents, to brothers and sisters – take a hybrid of this love and pour out on the Entities) and talk to them, just communicate with them. If You show not fear for them, but love, then You will have a Fiery sensation.

The outpouring of love energy is the key that opens the Anahata, and You will begin to feel the Fire.

Do Demons have a gender?

You know, there is a very interesting feature, a very important feature. Demons that are on the planet Earth, they are mostly all male. This is some kind of androgyny, but still, it’s all male, they are some kind of this type. And Aliens, a very large percentage, are female.

What is their relationship to each other?

Devil with Devil are equal, so they compete with each other. Can a Devil compete with a Demon? How can a Devil compete with a Demon? It’s a complete idyll. No one really wants to be friends with Demons, we are always looking for better friends than we are ourselves. We try to at least reach somewhere. Here’s the story. So they have the same thing. Everything is straight forward: both in our world and in their world, everything is the same

The Church has always struggled with the Demonic world. Is this correct?

I’ll tell you a little story. When I started doing exorcism – I started with this, because in our world there were no other concepts in particular. And I started a real war with them – with these demons and devils. And one day…It dawned on me – what if I tried to communicate with demons and devils with love?

I came home and the first thing I started doing was getting to know these friends. I mean, the ones I was fighting, I started luring them with all sorts of buns, I started feeding them and all that. The situation began to develop absolutely into a total plus.

And I want to say this: I realized very clearly for myself how much the Church laws that we have, have an impact. Yes, they now exist in a form that they did not exist before. But I wouldn’t treat them with disdain. Because I have experienced the power of prayer. Prayers may not be what they say in churches, but prayers from the heart. From your heart. In your own words and from your heart.

You know what I did… I still have lists, I wrote hundreds of these demons there, learned their names. I was the one who conducted such experiments to come to the point where they should be loved. I’ve written hundreds of these lists.

Went to Church…They might call me a blasphemer, but I went to Church with this list, bought a lot of candles, and decorated the Canon with candles. And I used to light candles for the souls of all the Demons I met. I had a tantrum there. I stood there sobbing and begging that She allowed them to transform with Her Fire, with Her love… I was sobbing so hard there that every time a woman came to me and started to calm me down. Who works in the Church there. Because I was so taken with the idea. How is it that no one has ever prayed for them? I felt terribly sorry for them.

I started doing these things. And for myself, I realized one thing – that any demon, devil, any –  can be transformed in 4 days. Maybe that’s why it happened – 4 years. This is some kind of sacred figure. We’ll talk about this later. In General, any demon and devil can be turned into an Angel in 4 days.

In the meantime, you should understand that if You go to Church and put a candle for health, don’t forget to put a candle for Your Demon. He will be very grateful! It really works, I don’t know how, but it does.

And also – don’t go to new-build Churches. They are built in places where there is no power. Some churches don’t have anything. There is no sense in even putting candles there. You should always go to the old churches, or to the churches built on the old places. The Church can be disassembled under zero. But the place must always be clearly chosen in accordance with the place that was originally chosen. Because in the past, churches were built precisely on the Earth’s geo-fractures, precisely in those places where there is a total connection with God.

What Is the Spirit of the Planet? The Spirit of the plants?

The Spirit of plants is the collective mind. You are now very well filled in with Fire Energy, and so You can observe nature.  For example, if you grow something in your garden, and when you want to weed your garden. In order not to cause any harm to nature (this is a different level of awareness), if we think in these categories, it is the positive coordinate systems, you should ask, in our own words, the Spirits of nature, the Spirits of plants:

-I want to pull out these weeds that interfere with my seedlings of tomatoes, or something, well, what you have planted… (parsley, onions, and other things). I now want to take and pull out these plants …

You will directly see with your vision how it will start from this bed, so you know, such as a smoke, such a fog…. Yes, so green this is the Spirit of plants to come out, the Soul of plants. Because they have a collective mind. You are not referring to one flower-petal, and this is like in the movie “Avatar” Yes, Remember they had trees there? So this is just the same.

If you need to cut the tree, You need first to approach and ask the spirit to leave the tree, so that it is painless, without causing harm to nature. It is this spirit of plants that you were able to cut down a tree or pull out weeds. Yes, and you will see how this green haze, it begins to dissolve, right, here it begins to just go out of there, as if to make room on this bed. It works wonderfully. You can experiment with any blades of grass, blades of grass that you want to pluck, and you will see how it works. You will begin to feel nature directly, and you will begin to understand it directly when you begin to treat it like this.

The Spirit of the Planet is a very highly organized soul, and every time You go out and start communicating with Shivdail (this is its name) its Phantom comes. Even if all the inhabitants of the Planet go out and call Shivdail, it will come to everyone. Because it’s a Phantom. This is a skill that such highly organized souls have.

Demons also have a Phantom, they just live in the spiritual world, so this is a self-evident property. And we live now in the material world, and we must learn to manage the Phantom in the material world, so this is the difference. Therefore, when communicating with the Spirit of plants and the soul of the Planet, Yes! The Phantoms will come, of course. But the Spirit of plants, keep in mind that this is all one big soul, which you also need to learn to interact with.

Who are the phantoms?

The higher a level of  awareness, the better the person can control the phantom. Therefore, the Soul of our Planet, the Spirit of our Planet, they will naturally come to You as a Phantom.

For example our Saints. They also have a Phantom. They are all highly organized souls from the positive coordinate system, in principle, as in the negative they all have this property completely. You don’t feed the Demon itself. You feed its PHANTOM. You always communicate on the spiritual plane with the PHANTOMS. This Demon that sits in you, it can simultaneously sit in different people, imagine! Yes, that’s how it just happens! Yes, this is what you should also understand. And when you feed it, you feed its Phantoms. And when you nurture an Angel out of this Demon, it comes out of another person completely, like this! If it was sitting in several people at once, then you do an additional purge of those people as well. This is a network. For one thread pulled and the ball began to roll out. This is what it looks like.

Who are goblins (brownies)?

This is an interesting story with goblins, because you can make friends with them at all.

I have a goblin at home… This is a very interesting story. I even went out of the house a few times, lock the door with the key, then turn my back and then the front door opened with a bang, even though I just closed it with the key. I checked the handle – the door was closed, and it slammed open. I turn, stand, and see the door open.

I was going to some meeting that time.  I live in Moscow behind the MKAD. Yes, so I had to go straight to the center. And what was my surprise when I stopped at a gas station to fill up, and I realized that I forgot my wallet at home. Well, just no wallet, no credit cards, no money, no documents for the car, that is, nothing at all. So I think, okay, the meeting is important, you need to go. I arrive at a meeting, call, and the person on the other wire says: “Oh, meeting”? The person just forgot about this meeting, just forgot.

Therefore, if You get acquainted with your goblins, then you objectively, as if they will tell you a lot of things. And the next time, of course, I really listen to what the goblin tells me, that it is not necessary to go or something else. In general, these are interesting things that need to be practiced.

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