What is the Transition of the Earth?

There is an unexplored area of science- black holes in space. What is a black hole? It collects negative matter, so it absorbs. It’s like a circle. In one place we die, in another we are born. When making a transition, any transition from a negative coordinate system to a positive one, in any case, it must be accompanied by a certain jump, an outburst of energy. In order to be able to make this leap, a leap up, there must be a huge amount of negative energy. And when there is this huge amount of negative energy, it will just give this leap forward, with the help of transformation. Forward to another dimension. To a different coordinate system. This is exactly what we are talking about.

And this number of alien demons now, at this time, is probably because the planet was preparing to make this leap. That is, you just need to take it and do it. And in order to be able to make it, a huge number of alien demons were allowed to start here, so to say, their economic activities. And we, the people, also have the opportunity to participate in this transition. We will take this amount of negative energy that is on the Planet now and transform it. And the energy that will be released in this case, it will just allow this leap.

What does the transition to a positive coordinate system look like?

This process is individual for everyone. It all depends on how far you have sunk into the negative coordinate system. Let’s just say how far You need to go to the positive axis. Each person has an individual distance, depending on what experience they have gained in past lives, what experience they have gained in this life, what their goal is, how much they are purposeful, whether they are puzzled by this goal, whether they see it as important or not. Everything depends solely on individual patterns of thinking.

What does it look like ? It’s like you’ve been given glasses.You see more dimensions and understand them better.

The more a person is aware of dimensions and can use them, well, this is a big word, the more opportunities they have..

What frequency does the Earth vibrate at?
If the Earth is vibrating at a negative frequency, is the Light possible on Earth?

For more information, see the video ” Fire-10. The information field of the Earth. Changing the Earth polarity from minus to plus”

Angels cannot descend to a demonic planet when there is a demonic world around, a demonic world here. And how can they get down here? They can only come down with us, with people, if we vibrate at high frequencies of a positive coordinate system, i.e. we can then just take the Demons that are here and transform them into Angels.

To what extent is Light possible on Earth? Up to the maximum, there is no limit to perfection. The planet will make the transition, and as in any transition, when the vessel begins to clean and when the vessel begins to receive positive energy, the dirt always comes out. So the answer is obvious. Therefore, our task is to vibrate at high frequencies and at the moment of transition, we will all be safe, all who vibrate at high frequencies. That’s the story.

Therefore, the main thing is to vibrate at high frequencies and do nothing more. You just need to realize that we were made, we are generators of Fire Energy, created in the image and likeness of God, we were made generators of fear, so that we generate negative energy. Do you understand? That’s what they did to us. This is the most frightening and most difficult information to fit into our brain. This is very difficult to contain, because the media, everything around us is talking about something else, the opposite.

The point is that we must become generators of this Fire, we must come to this Fire ourselves, we must become generators of this Fire. When we generate, imagine, if we assume that a large mass of people will generate this Fire, i.e. be these vibrators, imagine what changes can happen on Earth. We’re just getting started and it’s kind of normal. Remember, when the coronavirus, ie, when it developed, it was 1,2 and long there everything went and then  – a sharp jump. Just as here, and just as this Fire will act quietly at first. You see, there are very few of us now, few people know about it, over time we will become more, this is word of mouth, if a person has some serious changes in his Outlook and thinking, he begins to share it with others. And they are still there with someone, and this kind of web, it just spreads everywhere.

So you just need to generate positive emotions, and there are naturally enlightened people here. There are still such people, not everyone, but I think that I have come across such people. So now this whole story is going to develop, get out and flow like a river. Because I already said, there is energy coming down to Earth, Fiery. This Is Firelight.

If the Earth is dominated by a negative coordinate system, how to live here? How do I change this?

We all live in a world of negative coordinates now, without exception. And as long as the Earth turns counterclockwise, it is impossible to change anything radically.

Therefore, any change does not come from the society, but from each person who is a part of this society.

And when a sufficient number of people move to live in a positive coordinate system, only then will there be possible changes in the social order and in the coordination of movement in a different way.

Now it is impossible, a person does not understand how he can live in the correct coordinate system.

Since childhood, we have been living in the negative system in the DNA chain, and how can it be otherwise, in this case, we must start with ourselves.

We live in a world of money relations, and they will continue to exist for some time, but this is not forever, because the changes have already begun and no one can stop them.

How to live in a negative coordinate system?

We live in a negative coordinate system. Everyone here is building a career. It’s OKEY. Choose your niche, any business. Start a business from scratch, or go in top managers or in the management of people. It doesn’t matter. Because we are now living in a system of negative coordinates anyway.

But we must be prepared to change ourselves, from the inside. We can live in the negative system, but be ourselves in the positive coordinate system. Be in “plus”. You see, that’s what we’re talking about.

The more people on the planet Earth will be living with Fire Energy generators turned on, the more thay will spread their Fire,  when a significant number of people turn on these generators, then it will be possible to change the World.

In the meantime, there’s nothing to think about. We live and continue to live in the system of the material world, according to its laws. And then everything will change just as easily and smoothly and imperceptibly for others, as you stop eating meat. That’s all.

What is "the egregor"?

Egregors (or as they are called, V. Zeland — pendulums) surround us. Colonies of bacteria, anthills, bee hives, schools of fish, herds and flocks of animals, families, groups of people, even humanity itself — all these are egregors. Creatures driven by a single pulse generate fields that vibrate at the same frequency, thus creating a single common field, which is called the egregor. One person can also be called an egregor, since it generates and absorbs energy. So there are egregors of the state, city, company, nationality, religion, society, dog owners, cat owners, entomologists, surveyors, etc.

Any society is an egregor. Even a family is a family egregor. This is the place that unites people and not only energetically. We have an egregor on the web-site.

But we learn to communicate with God without the help of egregors, we have a common egregor in which we learn to do, and so we communicate with God individually, without intermediaries.

Can I communicate with God without going through the egregor of the Church?

All of us here have some kind of psychic abilities, all of us have some kind of sensory sensations that we can use as attributes to get questions and answers to certain questions. And all this is created with the help of egregors.

The Church is also a kind of connection to such a large egregor. And I think it was very cool to show You now, you will switch the coordinate system, your coordinate system was connected to the Church egregor. You just remove it and let the Fire connect to it, and then you will see everything that we actually talked about here. I.e., this dogma, the dogma that was hammered into our heads. What is a Church? This is a certain structure, this is a certain community of people. I won’t say anything about them and I don’t want to say anything bad about the Church. In General, it is still an egregor. And it has certain laws, rules, by which it lives.

Let’s say that now your Essence and the Higher Forces in General show pictures (during Fire acceptance), in fact, this is a great indicator of your high experience. Me, for example, I was impressed by your vision, which you saw, that there is an entity in the Lotus position and takes pictures of Fire on the chakras. And now it’s dark and the Church candle is burning. Well, in General, it seems such revealing things, you really need to look carefully at what you are shown. Because the purity of your visions is the deepest, there is already all the garbage thrown away and you are looking straight into it. So just take, disable all these egregors that you used to use, and try to just do nothing at all, and allow the Fire to connect you to It directly, without any egregor things. Do you understand?

What did the Church do? The Church made itself a layer between God and people. What I’m saying now is that we don’t need a layer. Let us communicate directly with the Fire. Look at us in the chat “Distribution”, everybody there writes about his experience. That they are learning to speak with Fire. Just the same, all together, we should come to the point that we should learn to live in Fire, use Fire, have direct communication with Fire, i.e. directly without any crutches, in the form of any communities, egregor, and so on. We are here in some kind of community too, but we are here learning to distinguish and treat respectfully the diversity of truth. Consider it from different sides, discarding this dogma, which we have all our lives drummed into our heads. The destruction of this duality, we are talking about this. So it is of course generally great in fact, as you are shown such things. All your questions that you ask, they always seem to make me some kind of impulse for a particular article on this web-site, there is already a whole bunch of written questions that I need to answer, create videos and other stuff. Because sometimes I don’t even know what you will all be interested in learning, because I have a lot of things. That I have opened things, I just don’t know if it’s interesting or not. If you ask a question, I understand, so someone responded, so someone should be told about it. And I immediately begin to think about this topic and describe it all, pronounce it and so on. So of course your vision is just gorgeous. I will need to take it later and make some kind of article, or video, or something else. Cool, this candle is very, very revealing to me.

Is our Planet alive? Is there a Spirit of the Earth?

Our planet is absolutely as alive as we are, it is a living organism. It is a living soul, a living entity. I think that all  people here are very highly spiritual and that’s why I want to tell you the following: You can already start communicating with the Spirit of the Planet.

The spirit of the Planet name is Shivdail. This is her name, as soon as you pronounce the name Shivdail in the air, i.e. You can go outside right now and say this vibration out loud: Shivdail. And try to get to know him. You can do the same with your hands, but I think he will respond, usually he responds me with a breeze in my face. Maybe You will have something else. You can already interact. It’s possible. I will be very interested to get your feedback. How did You do today to meet Shivdail. And how You will see him, a description of him, i.e. how it looks.

What happens to the Soul after death? What Is the house of the Soul?

For more information, see the video ” Fire-6. The house of the Soul as a path to Destiny”

After the death of the body, the Soul returns to the home of its Soul. The accumulated experience is distributed in the matrix cells.

Naturally, it is distributed throughout life. As long as a person lives, there is an automatic distribution of experience. Some experience is collected in the shells, the auric shells of the Soul. And that is why the auric shells of the Soul of our body, they have, in simple words, the property of dissolving after death. Yes, it is the body, it is the recorded experience on these shells – it is distributed, among other things, through the Matrix of the Soul .

What are the Spiritual Houses (houses of the Soul)?

There are different Souls who come from different Spiritual Homes, this must be understood…

If you generalize, the classification goes to two types of people:

Indigo, and everything that comes with it.

Human who live here on Earth, about 80 %, maybe more on the Planet. And we are talking about the fact that in all these souls, including Indigo and Earth, any kind of demons can be. Alien is a demonic structure, an alien structure that can be populated both in Indigo and in a Human, but it cannot exist separately.

For the principles of life that exist on Earth, this is simply impossible. We must distinguish them: first, the Indigo is the Earth soul , and second, who lives in them.

In each Indigo there are different Entities, but unlike people, they do not have a permanent character, because the Indigo is controlled with Spiritual Houses, and if the Indigo come to the settlers and stay for a long time , it means that there is clearly something wrong with them, and you need to work. So when we look into the eyes of Indigo, we see the Universe .

Not a demon , but the universe !

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