Fire Practice
Working with Karma. Karma can close the path to the Fire



Fire to all!

We continue our series of videos dedicated to Fire Energy receiving.

And today we are going to talk about a very huge and serious problem, a global problem: why you may feel nothing during Fire Energy receiving. Or maybe there are strong Fire Energies at first, and you feel everything, and then suddenly it goes away. And you feel nothing. There is no Energy. It just doesn’t come through, and you don’t feel it.

What can bring such sensations? It is very simple. In fact, you need to understand that everyone has different Karma baggage.

And we have learnt that when we are born here, even if here comes a very pure Soul, it bears a rather serious Karma baggage. It is Karma of the Planet, Karma of the country, Karma of the place where you were born, your generic Karma that all your Kindred bear. This Karma baggage is so global, so large and multi-sided that it can make you feel no Fire Energy. Yes, you will take Prana, but you won’t feel Fire Energies, even Angelic ones.

In connection to this, here comes a question: how to deal with it? In fact, in the previous video (link to the “Fire 24” video at 02:07) we talked about the fact that we need to train our Anahata. So that your Anahata was burning and expanding when you emit Fire Energy and Love that comes from Anahata onto everybody around you. Because Fire is Love.

So you need to understand it. And here we have several exercises of different kinds. Now we will talk about three of them. With their help we will improve our Karma from negative into positive.

As we know, it is very important to switch this Karma into positive coordinate system. To make it positive. Not negative, but positive. But it can be done only through different merciful actions that you will do.

What can be more merciful in the system of positive coordinates than transformation of any spiritual creatures? No matter whether they are people, animals, Essences. It makes no difference.

If you, with the help of your freedom of choice, choose the way by which you will go and help other people to go through this transformation… If you help Essences go through this transformation… If you help the Deceased go through this transformation…

Then, in fact, this block, this harsh Karma debt, which you had and which stood in the way of Fire Energy receiving, will soften with time. And you will start feeling these Fire Energies step by step.

We already know that we have a very nice practice called “phantom hugs”. And we know how it works: it cleanses very deep layers. But it only cuts off the existing negative Karma programs. We cut these threads that connect us with other people Karma-wise. 

Now I want to tell how we can not cut negative Karma, but, vice versa, build positive Karma around us. And now all of you have a great opportunity to take part in such merciful process as cleansing near-Earth emanations. It is what is called Karma of the Earth. Remember I promised you before to return to this subject and to talk about it.

And here I am saying that it is such a merciful deed and you will get such a good, positive Karma, that it is a huge mistake to underestimate it and miss it.

It is something you should be focused on if you want to cleanse your Karma from the negative baggage that it has and nourish it with positive deeds, which you will later reap in this life and in the following lives as positive Karma.

This is why by now we have started working with two Earth emanations. We will talk about it later. Now I just want to touch this topic briefly.

By now we have a great number of the Deceased who, for whatever reason, cannot go further, and they dwell in near-Earth emanation. It is a kind of astral, so to say. And they cannot just go to other dimensions because their Karma debt is very heavy. There are suicides, a lot of them, there. There are people who lived in negative coordinate system there. There are people who killed others there. War is murder, and it doesn’t matter what good aims and intentions made this person kill. Murder is murder, and because of murder the Soul cannot go to other dimensions, it is very hard.

This is why there are a lot of such people there. There have been so many wars, big wars, with a lot of blood that was spilled. There have been so many wars all around the world. And all these Souls have a problem with getting to other, higher, layers.

They were left in a dead-en. This near-Earth emanation is a dead-end for them.  They cannot move forward or backward. And thus the atmosphere of fear is getting thicker and thicker on Earth. Because they are the ghosts that come and scare everybody.

So, each of you can take part in this process of cleansing near-earth emanation. The one where the Deceased dwell.

What is it like? In fact, there are a lot of collective graves, memorials, concentration camps. There are a lot of places where you can take the names of these Deceased. These Deceased also have first names and middle names. 

You can take their first names and middle names too. So, you should take as many Deceased as you can, and you should invite them to your lists of the Deceased. Then you need to record them all on the voice recorder and turn the record on before the Fire distribution, inviting them there.

It is very important. The more Deceased you have on the list, the better your Karma is. And you need to know that because they have stuck here and cannot move further, the Deceased need more time to receive Fire Energy. It can take a long time. In some cases you will need to put them on your lists during six months.

If you don’t receive Fire Energy now, it will be very hard for you to understand what is going to happen to you in a month.

But after you have received Fire Energy during a month, in the morning and in the evening, you won’t ask question, whether include this or that Deceased person on your list or not.

You will hear it from the Deceased. They will appear and come to you only with positive and merciful intentions, they will give you their blessings for the work you are doing for them. So objectively you will become a Guardian Angel for them. And they will be very thankful to you.

You should understand it. You can take the names of the Deceased wherever you want. You can take them from cemeteries. The names that are written on very old plates, in derelict places. In fact, this is a very hard and elaborate work.

And we are going to do it during all these four years. And it is necessary to do it not only in Russia, but in other countries too. The Planet is common to everyone and we are like one big family that shouldn’t be divided into countries, continents and so on. They don’t matter at all. We all are one. Because In positive coordinate system there is no division at all. You need to know it.

Therefore, we can see that the more Deceased you will have on your list the better your Karma will be. You should understand it.

On our website there are blogs of the people who will help you get everything right. You need to open the blog and find the people who answer questions about the Deceased. You can ask them your questions. They are our consultants.

Consultants of Fire. And they can give you detailed information on how to work on cleansing on Karma emanation of the Earth. Because this is the Karma. This is the sum of all our Karmas put together.

This is the work we should do. We should remember all the Deceased. Everyone whom we can remember. And put them on our lists. And the longer our lists are, the more possibility there will be that transition into positive coordinate system will go without destructive consequences for the Planet. I need you to understand it.

Therefore, we have four years during which we will work on this serious, fundamental, deep problem. We will reveal it all. We will peel off Karma layers, deeper and deeper, like a cabbage. And we will cleanse Karma of the Earth layer by layer.

Because nobody except for us people cannot do such work. Such hard global work. And there are more and more of us every day.  And I see that every day during Fire Energy receiving there appear more and more Essences and the Deceased. They are much more than there are people.

You can go to our website and look at the dynamics. On these graphs you will see that we have already started this work. And this work goes in full swing. And it is a very merciful work. Not only for people, but, what is more important – for the Planet. You need to know it.

And also there is another emanation that is very serious. We will talk about it in further videos. And now I would like to tell you about the astral plane. What it is. You know, it is a kind of mirror-world.

In fact, in every mirror there are plenty of Essences that live in the astral plane. Mirrors are like portals. Portals to the astral. There are astral travelers who leave their bodies and spend a lot of time in the astral. There are such people. People who do these things, who come out of their bodies. And in the astral there are a lot of Essences of different kinds, and they need to be transformed as well.

And on our website there is a blog where our consultants can help you with this work on astral Essences. The Essences from the lower astral.

So, if you have questions, you can go to our website, to the blogs that are dedicated to this subject. Our consultants of Fire will help you understand everything that you need and say how to start and how to perform this work.

And here is one more thing. I have already told you about it, but I want to draw your attention to it again. There are also Essences that live inside people. In each person there are at least two. It is the minimum number. Although it is very rare nowadays that a person has only two Essences. Usually there are 10 or even 20 of them. It depends on the number of vices. On the number of the vices the person has and uses. The number of vices determines the number of Essences.

And we are talking here about a very important component in our Karma improvement work: the highest number possible of the people you know. You just meet their Essences and start working on their transformation. Transformation through Fire Energy. And this transformation should go with the help of all this work we were talking about (link to “Fire 23” video at 18:38), during “Feeding and Loving’ practice. You will need to feed it and make friends with it. But it is a slightly different thing than when you feed one Essence. If you take many of them, it will be like a big play school. You will have a group of these Essences with which you will work constantly.

So you will talk to them, feed them, you will pour your Anahata onto them, you will pour your Love from Anahata. And through these actions you will transform the people around you, in whom these Essences dwell. Because when an Essence starts transforming in positive coordinate system, it stops putting negative thoughts in people’s heads. People with whom you will work will have more positive thoughts. They won’t even notice it themselves, but they will start changing. It is a very interesting thing. With this practice you can change people around you. You can transform them. From negative coordinate system into positive.

This is what I wanted to tell you about today. Fire to all of you!


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