I am just a Human
This is how I imagine my path. It’s just a road with the sun ahead 🙂

You are dealing with a person who goes from very limited ideas about himself to breadth.
With a person who goes from uncertainty to confidence.
From non-acceptance to acceptance.
From the desire to imitate others – to total self-living.
From self-suppression to infinite possibilities.

Of course, all this is due to my personal history: school, University, parents, environment. I probably deserve all this, everything makes sense, and for some reason I’m here on Earth, doing what I do.

I hope that all the things I share will be very useful to someone. At the same time, my experience and knowledge will not be useful for everyone. Imagine how many people there are on the Planet. Everyone is so unique that it would be unreasonable to think that I alone can say something that will be close to absolutely everyone.

Trust yourself, listen to yourself, if what I share is close to you, then absorb, ask questions and carefully shift the information to yourself. But … don’t believe it absolutely. Don’t believe it. Try to see something deeper in everything. Fundamental principle. What is behind the words, why I wrote this way and not otherwise. Does the information apply to you? Do you want to experience this experience? Does everything fit you, or just part of it?

Only you are responsible for what happens in your life. It’s hard to accept, but it’s true. I can write quite strange things and at some points your worldview may be shaken. Be kind to yourself=) everyone has their own way. I’m just trying to expand your horizons, let you see more, believe in more, and become one.

The path begins with the first step and each of us “must” become what he is INSIDE.

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