What Entities exist? What Entities can a person have?

Our earthly Entities are Archdemons, Demons and Devils. There are no other types and they are easy to sort by sins. Every sin has its own Entity. And that is the Entity with which we are born.

In sinful (Vice) Entities, there is usually a place of attachment where the neck passes into the spine. This is a large area, about 20 cm.

Archdemons have a retinue, they can populate a person with their Demons and quietly coexist. If in a family one member of the family leads another-this is a more powerful entity, leads a weaker One. And for there to be harmony, there must be a unity of male and female principles.

With Alien, another topic. Now there are a lot of children with alien entities, a lot of alien settlements. There are many types of alien Entities and they all have the properties of Archdemons-they populate the retinue. You watch any channelings of representatives of the Pleiades and so on, and they at this time “stick” their suckers in you, there is a settlement and you become their retinue. Therefore, there are a huge number of alien entities on earth now.

They are so different, just completely different. You know, as people, they have their own character. They are like the same snowflakes. Of course, their collective intelligence prevails, that’s for sure. The Archdemon has its own retinue, a retinue of Demons, and the Demon has its own retinue of Devils, i.e. they have a collective history in which they all exist. But there are certainly Demons are loners who with their Devils and go to any Arhidemon they are not, you probably have just such a Demon. But there are two ways, both individual and collective.

Why do Entities settle into people?

Demons parasitize at the expense of us, our energy.

Roughly speaking, we come here with karma , we are also given a Demon that feeds on our emotions, which we emit through thoughts. Which he dictates to us in our head .

The demonic structure dictates to us how we live and what we do , and then we act according to these thoughts, and get what we get..

We live as fear generators, and they naturally join us in order to make us stronger and someone weaker. He who is weak is weak in spirit, and he who is stronger in spirit begins to transform it .

Look at the Scripture of the Holy fathers, i.e., they went into silence, in order to fight with their demons or with their human qualities, eradicating the bad in themselves. If our greatest Saints who were in the Orthodox Church followed the path of self-extirpation, then we go with the help of Fire and very intensively eradicate these qualities in ourselves and in the Demon, because we are working in symbiosis.

We negotiate with the Entity , interact with it, and it responds to how we behave with them.

It is important for us to understand that we need to love the

Entity as we love ourselves. This is your dark side, but whether it is dark or light depends on you . Therefore, this Fire has come to transform all of us into something higher , a spiritual being who still has an additional Guardian Angel.

This is a warrior of light, not a little Angel with wings, as you used to imagine (a butterfly flutters ), such Angels do not exist.

How many Entities can a person have?

At one time I had about a thousand Entities mixed up in me — demons, devils, arch-Demons,even mixed up with the dead.

The fact that I have lived in my life it’s like a fairy tale. That is, up to 1 thousand and the more a person has strength, inner power, the more of these Entities a person should have.

When I was introduced to the world of Demons, I was like that Hindu train. It was a serious test, they came and went periodically. I am a person who does not know the theory, I am just a practitioner, I went through all this myself from the point of view of my practice.

The more aware a person is, he always passes that moment of testing for strength.A person becomes a vessel through which Entities pass.

Our 7 vices that are  7 different Entities. There is one dominant Entity. This is a question about the Guardian Angel, only he is an Angel, or a Demon it all depends on us. Therefore, of course, as much as a person has all sorts of different passions, so much will he have these Entities. Just the same, you can determine the number of these comrades by their passions.

Every Vice has its own Essence. And this also needs to be understood,  there can be an unlimited number of Entities in one person. Depending on how many vices the person has.

There is an Entity attached from birth, there are Entities acquired during life. As many vices as a person has, so many Entities will he have.

And when you start working … you know how it is in our life: everyone has their own profession. In his profession, he is unique: someone  is a dentist, someone is an artist, someone  is an accountant, someone is a janitor in the end…he can do cleanliness everywhere in the material and physical world.

Exactly the same Demons and Devils, they have a classification. And so each Vice has its own Demon responsible for classification, i.e. if a person smokes, then the Demon of Smoking is definitely sitting there. If a person drinks, there is also, of course, the Devil of Alcohol. It is also called the Green Serpent. Not just the same as it is called the Green Serpent, have seen a lot of people saw it….into the eyes.

Therefore, everything is very clear. Drugs are just the same. Every Vice, sin, so to speak, has its own Essence to work with.

Why do I need to work with Entities?

Let’s go back to our coordinate system. Torsion fields, the law of the Universe, plus to plus, minus to minus and plus from minus is repelled. What we see, if light comes into us, a bright light, then this bright light, because the Entity is demonic, the Entity will be pushed out. And the Entity begins to resist. And so the person begins to laugh, grunt, meow, spew out all sorts of guttural sounds. And so on, so on. All sorts of different things, what we see happening in the Church. When it is forced, and in our case, if we use the technique of love.

The entity in its normal state feeds on our negative emotions, because positive emotions are not available to it.

Seclitova&Strelnikova elegantly describe the entire negative system as “you give me, I give you”. Energy is money. Everything there is permeated with this theme inside and out. There they talk about a positive coordinate system, but still, you have to pay for everything, and all that. So here we need to understand it very well, that there is just described the entire negative coordinate system and there is nothing positive at all. Whe  I read books of Seklitova, I was under such a wild impression, I was shocked that you have to pay for everything – for  energy, for money etc. And when I started to feed Demons with light from my spiritual home, I ws shure that there will be a retribution. But when I started to feed every Entity and every Demon with energy from my spiritual home, my back started to burn out that day. And on the shoulder blades appeared fiery wings.

In other words, the more a person gives in a positive coordinate system, the more he immediately receive. This works and is very clear. That is very clear. You can see that already.

This means that if we answer your question:”Why should we feed them?” Therefore, we are transformed, but they remain at the same level. It turns out that there is resistance. Plus start from the minus. Because they are negative. And in order to transform with us, they need to be fed. They need to participate in the Fire distribution, they need to be fed additionally. And then they will transform with you. Here’s the thing. And then there will be no rejection. Rejection occurs when there is a potential difference. Plus and minus. This is the only reason why rejection occurs. Therefore, the book of Seklitova must be read. It’s a fundamental thing, but you need to understand that you need to read it through a prism, that this book describes a negative coordinate system. Here’s the thing.

So the more you give,the more you get. Like this. The more you nurture and transform Entities,the more powerful you will be. The faster the Fire will come to your shoulder blades and anahata. You must understand that.


You need to interact with them, with Demons. Communicate, learn, i.e. train to understand them, hear them…because in the future all your Demons will become your Angels. They will guard You, protect You…and all that. They will lead You through life, so it is very important to learn how to interact with them, so you need to feed them, too, necessarily. You will already have a Power that will feed them, because all the same, when you distribute the Fire that goes, the Demons do not get as much as people will get. Therefore, in any case, you feed it and thus transform with it.

What are the signs of an Entity's manifestation?

Noise in the head, heaviness in the back of the head, dizziness, headaches and other unpleasant physical sensations.

The feeling of touch, pressure, movement.

Visions of dark silhouettes.

For more information, see all the manifestations here.

For example: You fed the Entity, and it manifested itself in the cat by twitching in the animal’s body.

When you sit for example, and one leg shakes, or sways unconsciously up and down, or twitching similar to spasms — this is a manifestation of the Entity.

It often happens that we lie in relaxation and suddenly the person shuddered. This is all the manifestation of Entities. And this is a normal phenomenon.

Do I need to struggle with Entities (demons, devils)?

Read about the struggle or love with Entities here

Do you see Entities at a distance or feel them?

I see them and feel them

Entities can influence the money channel?

Yes, they do

When you "cough" them up (Entities), isn't it dangerous for those around you? Is it better to cough and exhale when alone?

It is not dangerous

What happens if you don't work with the Entity?

Entities can manifest themselves as unpleasant physical sensations: pain, tingling, spasms, convulsions, etc. In order to eliminate such sensations you need to work with Entities.


If you have strong Entities, there may be a struggle between them.

This is a very serious story. And until you start loving them, You can’t handle them. Because You don’t give love to the Entity. You don’t feed it. In other words, You are behaving quite selfishly towards this Entity. Your task now is to familiarize yourself with the practices that are available here. And urgently begin to feed Your Entity, to love this Entity.


Under the influence of the Entity You can feel a panic attack. If You feed it, but you don’t communicate, you don’t like it, You don’t have friendly conversations with it, so it causes such panic attacks.


Everyone without exception will pass the attack of Entities. They attack in full. Therefore, we must be prepared for this, that everything will never be so perfect, at the moment when we pass the 1st class. Because it is in the 1st class is the biggest attack, it is the demonic Entities. They will do everything possible for you, despite the fact that you feed them, love them, they will still come new, new and new, which will put on you apathy, lowering of hands, all sorts of thoughts. Why do you need this? You need to be prepared for this, it will happen to everyone. I think many of those who accept the Energy of Fire have already encountered such thoughts. This is a very important concept. You just need to immediately catch this thought and look for its nature, where it comes from. This is what teaches you to sort your thoughts.

Should we be afraid of Entities?

More information can be found here.

During the reception of Fire, there may be visions of Entities.

If you see an entity with wings , you must talk to it, no matter what It is. It does not matter who approaches You, You must understand that nothing bad will happen to You with that level of fullness of Fire Energy.

There is no need to be afraid of anyone , they feed on fears. This fear was imposed on us, there is no fear in the Universe, it is all artificial.

We are Human beings in the image and likeness of God, we should not be afraid of anything at all. Our task is to return to our true sense of the world, the complete absence of fear.

We accept Fire so that the level of fullness of energy allows us to communicate with these Entities. From the very first day, we learn to ask questions and get answers, communicate with any Entities not only with Fire, but most importantly-with our neighbors, as well as with demons who will turn into Angels.

Are there Entities in animals?

Around us there are Pets in which all these companions settle, which are also like in humans. That’s it. So that through Pets they can influence a person, if they can not influence the person inside the person, then there is a pet that will…. they can influence people through a pet. This is the story. So keep that in mind.


I want to share with You a little story about cats and Demons : once upon a time, when I started working with Demons, well, let’s say-continued. Initially I struggled with them as our films and books teach  – as a true warrior with Evil, eh… So when I started – and I am a professional exorcist   – I  started to expel demons and devils from pets, and the first who were –  were cats. Cats are all demoniac. So I trained on them.

How do different Entities live together inside a person?

Inside a person, there may be an internal struggle between two Demons. This is a very serious story. And until you start loving them, You can’t handle them. Because You don’t give love to the Entity. You don’t feed it. In other words, You are behaving quite selfishly towards this Entity. In other words, Your task now is to familiarize yourself with the practices that are available here. And urgently begin to feed Your Essence, to love this Essence.

Can Entities hear out thoughts?

All Earth Entities cannot hear Your thoughts. This is absolutely accurate. All Archdemons, Demons and Devils  can’t hear Your thoughts. But some of the Aliens can hear tjoughts.  Not many of them, but still there are. And they are the most strong and powerful. There’s nothing wrong with that. In the same way, in general, there is communication with them, as with everyone else. Love makes wonders! Miracles! You just need to understand this.


If a person develops in a negative coordinate system, then the Entity will certainly be negative and your thoughts will not be available to It. It will see everything You do, absolutely. It just sends You some thought, and immediately looks at the reaction … Aha, what is the reaction…what is the vibration…what is Your facial expression…what is happening to You… It watches over  every move. It feels You very clearly.

If You develop in a positive coordinate system, then the Entity begins to transform….then the Entity begins to have Angelic characteristics. It can already hear your thoughts.

Do Entities affect our thoughts?

Defining Entities and realizing that these Entities are around us, they are our thoughts – is very important.

Awareness of this gives us the ability to sort thoughts, this is exactly what we define these Entities for. So that we can distinguish our own thoughts from those that are artificially put into us.

Everyone should understand that just as people have their own profession and just as Entities are divided into their own professions.

There is a certain guardian of the soul that guides it through life, in any case. L. A. Seklitova described it well as a determinant.

All the rest of our sins, vices-destructive thoughts are our Essence, each in its own kind of energy.

All our actions that then occur after these thoughts, they have the properties of being characterized by the influence of certain entities.

At first, there will be a lot of entities coming, we will test and distinguish them, work and transform them, so that no one can mislead you.

What does a person feel when Entities pass through him?

Own experience:

I think I’m a person who can handle anything. That’s why I didn’t even think about how I got along, the main thing was to go through, understand everything there. To accept. I was preoccupied with other more important matters than the whole crowd that was passing through me. Well, in general, I did not see anything for myself, except that I was torn from the inside so simply because of the huge number of all these Entities.

How do I communicate with an Entity correctly?

Read about the practice of feeding Entities here.

There are two ways to work with an Entity when receiving Fire: transform it or expel it. It is very important not to expel them, but to transform them. However, each person will really have two paths. These are two options: to transform your own Entity, which is sitting in you, get to know it, feed it, communicate with it, because if you just do nothing with hiit, then naturally it will be driven out of the body, this is the way the Fire will just squeeze it out.

But an empty person can’t walk, he must be with someone. A person will never be empty for a second. If one has left, the next one will come immediately, but according to the level of vibration that the person has become. Yes, that is, if the vibration level has changed, one goes, the other comes, so, and corresponds to the level that is new.

Everyone will make a decision, whether it will be a Hindu train, in which new permanent Entities will get in and out. Or he will still find the strength to get to know his Entity and will already transform it into his defender, who will go with him throughout his life and they will help each other and develop together.

How to talk to an Entity correctly?

You need to communicate with all Entities only loudly! Very small number of Entities can hear our thoughts. Only few species, but their percentage is not so large. Therefore, you need to communicate with all Entities out loud. You should put some points for yourself. Just out loud, no thoughts. Communicate with them only in full voice!

How do I hold my hands while communicating with an Entity?

What really matters is where You put your hands. Just if you put them next to you, the Entity will not approach you. It is afraid of You. It does not know you and what you can do to it.  So keep your hands straight away from you,  so that the Entity will approach You. If you put your hands on your knees, palms up, It may also not come. You need to show it that You are ready to communicate , so , stretch out your hands and offer it to come closer.

When can I feed an Entity?

You can feed Entities anytime, anywhere, as much as you want, and it doesn’t matter.

Do it as you feel it right.  All according to your heart. We don’t ask anything…we ask our heart. Your heart tells you what you can do. That’s it. Here we learn to live and feel everything from our heart, from our intuition, from our desires, from our dreams, from everything that vibrates. All the waves that vibrate in space. We should be radio receivers that pick up these waves in space. Here we are learning to be them.

Attention! The practice of Fire Acceptance cannot be combined with feeding Entities!

Can I feed other people's Essences?

Just as you feed your own Entity, so you feed others.

Approach the person next to you (preferably from the back, so that he doesn’t see and hear you, for example when the TV is running or other noise) and say:

Demon or Entity of Peter. I want to meet you and feed you. Look what I’m about to give you.”

And from the heart space, you send him an energy ball. “I want to be friends with you. As a sign of my love for you, which I want to give you for free, I will feed you these balls.»

Then you need to get acquainted with this Entity in the same way as you got acquainted with your own. It will get in touch either after the first ball, or after several balls, when it is sure that you do not have any plans against it, because they live in a negative system with a “you-to–me, Me-to-you” attitude.

So you can get acquainted with the Entities of all your household and invite all the Entities of Your house, and even friends, to feed.

It doesn’t matter how many there are. Now you accept Fire and no one can reset you. You can make an infinite number of balls and feed them all by distributing fire to the right and left.

When you distribute Fire to everyone, you will notice that the people around you will gradually change, because the Fire Energy will transform their Demons, they will have other thoughts, and so on. Over time, they may come up to you and ask what you do.

You just have to feed them, love them, and communicate with them.

Is feeding the Essence of another person an effect on him or a love spell?

A spell affects the freedom of will, the freedom of will of a person, that is, how to control it. This is what we are talking about: the negative coordinate system, it controls, and the positive coordinate system — it gives freedom of choice and observes, this is what we are talking about.

Therefore, which way the person will go already depends on the person, so when you feed the Entity, then the person will be more loyal,  he will have more bright and  positive thoughts, and what is bad about it? That a person has bright and positive thoughts? That is, what is the spell in this case?

Is it possible to feed the Essence of people who are far away?

This is a very interesting question. How to feed Demons, Entities, everyone You want in other people who are at a distance. This is simple. We just need a picture of this person. You just look thie person into his eyes and tell loudly that You want to meet with his Demon. And that’s all, nothing else. You discuss how you are going to feed this Entity and invite it to the Fire distribution. And when you feed your own Entity, you always invite the phantom of the person and this Demon, the Alien or whoever is settled there…

Can I help people with mental illness with Fire? How do I do this?

Use the Spiritual Home, use the Flow. Do you know how to make it easier? When you have the most vivid sensations from the Fire, you fix them in your head and return to them when you feed the Entity . You close your eyes and return to this stream of Fire that goes when we have a distribution Yes. You will take exactly this vibration with this energy, fire and using it to inflate these large balls, inflate the balls right huge because the entities that cause panic attacks they are always female and they take over completely the consciousness of a person, right completely.

In fact, a lot of people who are mentally ill, they are possessed. in fact, if a person is mentally ill, all these people in a psychiatric hospital are registered to accept Fire, the Essence will go away and the person will become normal, so it’s very simple. Everything that cannot be explained by medicine, everything is easily corrected just by Fire. Here’s the story.

How will a person change if I feed his Entity?

You feed the other person’s Entity. Through the Entity, this person will become good. While this Entity is still with the person, until it has left him (because the Entity develops in a positive coordinate system, and he does not), while You feed it, You need to give this person information about the Fire, he will be more loyal to it when his Entity is fed, fed and satisfied.

Does a person have an Entity in a positive coordinate system?

A person with a positive coordinate system is a good example of a person moving on the path of his development . He has a demonic Entity, but it is now so much in a transformable form.  Remember, when we first started to chat, I told you:,, Let’s first deal with those who do not have them, these Entities. Or with those who have already managed to transform them in some wonderful way. “

How do Entities transform?

Something is constantly happening to them, such as transformation, just like with us. We live, develop, constantly some processes occur and so do they.

They live according to their own laws, they take energy from each other according to the cells of the matrix. They are constantly being reset in the demonic world. And we will transform them, an Archdemon will become an Archangel with the same retinue.


If You work with Entities, they will change, they will change very sharply. I already said that any Demon can be turned into an Angel in 4 days.

This requires total practice, i.e. if you do all the instructions that I told you.., although You know that you need to put candles in the Church for these comrades…

Here , in general, actually you just love them …. just love!

And not 4 days, but let’s say a month, in any case, You will transform absolutely everyone. They will come new, and You will transform them. It will not cause you any discomfort at all…

And then one day, they will stop coming or it will be so rare.

When this quality is worked out to automatism, then the entire endless flow will stop.

What will happen after the transformation of the Entity?

Depending on how many Entities you transform, you will have as many connections to these Entities. You will feel invisible
support from them throughout Your life. I suppose, with those Entities that were with me in the transformation, I feel a vibration from them from time to time. I can feel that they are helping me in various matters.

In other words, the more transformed Demons into Angels you make, the more gratitude you will receive from them. In other words, they will invisibly accompany You, guide, help, protect, defend and make Your Earthly path as easy as possible. This is how it works. And among other things, You must reach that level of awareness, in which after you transform your main Entity, your main Demon will become Your guide through life. It will be your Angel, your Guardian Angel. This is the Entity with which You will talk about everything, you will hear it and see it. In general You will not be alone, You will already be with someone, you will be led and  You will get answers to any of Your questions.

Do Entities help us or hinder us?

Of course, everyone is happy to help us with any of our requests. And exactly such Entities help, at the frequency of our vibrations. If You want to get help from Angel, Archangel or Jesus, you need to vibrate on higher vibrations. And then, of course, everyone will help You. This is absolutely accurate.

Is the Entity given from birth? What kind of Entity is a person born with?

Let’s answer two questions:

How can a pure soul have Entities?
When a person is born, does he also have Entities? And what are they?

In order to answer this question, we must remember in what coordinate system do we live. Have you ever wondered — we know that according to the Laws of the Universe, there are torsion fields that have charges. The negative and the positive. Negative charge is left-hand movement, it is counterclockwise. And the positive charge is right-hand movement, clockwise. So we know that clockwise is positive energy, counterclockwise is negative energy. All people who are engaged in energy practices, they perfectly understand the movements of these energies, so we do not need to explain this to anyone. Have you ever wondered why our Planet is moving counterclockwise?

That is, it moves on the left-hand side of the charge. In other words, we live on a Planet that has a negative coordinate system. It vibrates at negative frequencies. That is, the predominance of negative frequencies. Not positive, but negative frequencies. This is what we are talking about.

You just need to think about it and understand why. For some reason, no one thinks about it. The simplest things are always on the surface.

We live in a negative coordinate system, not a positive one. And we are born in a family with a mother and father. Our parents also have a mother and father. And so on, that is, we have our Family, our connections. Our entire Family had the ability to live, make mistakes, correct mistakes, make negative actions, positive actions. The thoughts were negative, positive, and so on. That is, the symbiosis of these thoughts, the symbiosis of all these people together, gives us Karma at birth. And we are born with this Karma. Again, we are born in a negative coordinate system, not a positive one.

Well. We correspond to the level of charges of torsion fields of the Earth. By the level and the ratio of charges between positive and negative frequencies, in which negative frequencies prevail.

Even if a pure soul is born, as the question was asked, this pure soul in any case receives a karmic component of the Kind in which it was born.

Therefore, today, to answer the question whether there are Entities in pure-souled people – Yes, absolutely. Today, people can transform their Entities, any Entity that is given at birth. We understand that at birth  we are given the Entity that vibrates at frequencies of this Kind. This is the guardian. Whether it is a Demon or an Angel depends on the person.

Who are the Demons? Demons are the same sins, they are vices. The vices that we have to do something about, we have to transform them. We must make virtues out of vices. But in the world in which we live now,  the world that  vibrates at negative frequencies, it is very difficult to do this.

This is why the transforming Fire comes, which allows us to vibrate at other frequencies in a fairly short time.

I repeat, this Fire is accepted not only by people, but also by the Earth. In other words, the Earth also makes a Transition, it is recharged and repolarized. This is exactly what scientists are saying. That some processes are already beginning to take place, there is a reverse polarity. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that we are all so white and fluffy and all with pure souls are born here. Because everyone, without exception, gets this karmic component. Which is given at birth here.

How do the Entities of two people get along together?

Like in real life. The main one is the one who is stronger. If a wife has an Archdemon, and a husband just has a Demon, then a wife will rule. And vice versa. Everything depends on the Entity. The Entity rewards a person with certain character traits. This is a very pronounced characteristic. This also needs to be understood and look at the nature of relationships between people and notice demonic hierarchies.

Who are the Aliens? Where are they from

All the inhabitants of the planet Earth began to receive Aliens not so long ago, the last 20 years.

They started receiving them only after these “channelers” appeared. They do all sorts of seminars all the time, they say they’re from Pleiades, or Orion, or whatever. There is a huge number of them, all sorts of different types. After viewing such videos, a person becomes inhabited by Alien. They even say that ‘I am a seed from somewhere”. You just watch all these videos, how they broadcast, tell something about themselves, You listen to them and at this time there is a settlement.

That’s why there are so many channels on YouTube and so on. And look how they are abruptly deployed. This, by the way, is a lot of money. Such a large number of videos to shoot and so on – their funding is quite significant. And how many of them there are and they all sit and broadcast, it’s not just like that.

This is a plot, this is a plot against Human beings. We have our Demons, our native Earth Demons, and then there are already Alien ones, and there are so many of them, and they are all so different.

In fact, the situation is not very pretty at the moment. The entire Astral is crowded with them, it is incomprehensible history. In additions there is a huge number of restless souls on the Planet. They appeared  after the Church forbade to pray for suicides. The deceased do not receive the necessary support that they should receive by calling their name and putting in this name the thought of this person. But not as priests do – just take and thoughtlessly call names that no longer contain individual information about this person. A huge number of the deceased who just became ghosts and can’t go any further.

Another time is coming, this is the capture of the Planet by Alien Entities. We are giving up on all fronts. And that’s all we’ll have to deal with. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’ll sort it out slowly.

Can the Aliens be from the birth?

Only a very small number of people can have Alien from birth. A very minor one. Therefore, if You belong to this number, then, yes, you have an Alien that You were given from birth. Basically, 90 percent of Aliens have appeared  over the past 20 years.

How do Aliens settle?

Aliens need eye contact, when you look at a person, it is at this moment that the seeding is taking place.

How to communicate with Angelic Entities?

Those who meet their Guardian Angels, they continue to communicate with them exactly the same way as we have communicated with our Entities. Just the same, communication with Entities prepared us for communication with Angels. With Entities we communicated aloud, and then we calmly begin to communicate in our mind, in our head with them. And it turns out that communication is telepathic. You ask them question — they give you the answer.

When communicating with Angels, you will very clearly feel their presence in the form of this breeze. When you feel the breeze pass, you have to ask the question immediately –  What did you want to tell me? Because if the breeze appears, it means there is an urgent information that it is vital to pass on to you, right here urgently.

Therefore, you should immediately focus on this breeze and catch the thoughts that it will send You.

And again, the sign system. Let’s use body language. If we can’t hear the thoughts yet, we can attract the body. We have arms and legs, etc. And these parts of the body can be used as the answer “Yes, no, I don’t know”, and some other answers that You will use in communicating with Angel. This will be Your personal sign system, which you will use to communicate with him.

That’s just the same communication with Demons, it prepares you for a simple and easy communication with Angels. So learn to communicate with them in different ways. Either by thinking in Your head or by touching your body. For example, the answer ” Yes “will be touching the left hand, the answer” no ” – the right hand. You can always come up with some of your own signs.

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