Why invite the Dead to a Fire Reception?

For more information about working with the Dead, see here and here.

Without purifying the karma of the Gender, it is difficult to move further on the path of spiritual development.
If You can get to the great-great-great-grandparents, then most likely, you will be able to purify your own personal karma with this action, since it may well be that these great-great-grandparents are You in your past life!!!

Why is it so important to invite the Dead to a Fire reception?

The Dead should not just be remembered before each session. This will not be enough. This requires more in-depth work. We’re not just talking about taking someone to remember and putting them on the “D”list. This is not enough for us.

We work with karmic nodes, specifically karmic nodes. And in order for us to work with karmic nodes, we must forgive ourselves and ask for forgiveness ourselves. Only then will the karmic knots be untied.

If you just name someone, then this person will be cleaned, but Your personal karma with them will not be unwound. Because You need all your knots that have worked for a huge number of lives, You have to unwind them.

And if you don’t use the practice of Phantom hugs… Phantom hugs – they are like cabbage. Now, for example, at the level of consciousness in which most people are, we cannot understand our relationship with past lives.

As soon as we work out this life on the Phantom hugs with the living and the Dead, we will begin to emerge deeper pictures. They will be really deeper from past lives. You will see the silhouettes of those people and in the clothes in which they lived before. In other words, these are deep processes.

It would seem a very simple technique. But at the level of awareness that we are at, we will use it for this life. But after we raise our vibrations, we will pass through other lives.

You ask that this is a large amount of time. To record all on a leaf and not conduct Phantom hugs. Here’s an example: even to eat, you need to put food in your mouth. And You can’t just swallow it. It must be chewed. So I suggest you chew this food here.

I suggest you unwind these karmic knots. Independently. Without Your work on unwinding karmic knots, those that You have done for quite a large amount of time in this life and in the past… There will be no miracles, because your participation is required everywhere to get results

How do I invite the Dead? Should I say names out loud or in my head?

About whether to write the names of the Dead on a leaf and say their names aloud. There are some laws of the Universe that just need to be understood and known. If You say in space, in the Universe, that “I invite all my Kind”. Then the universe does not understand, because every Soul has… just like a snowflake, it has its own identity. It has its own unique code, vibration, some kind of construction that distinguishes it from all the others. And when we gather together – it’s like “the country of Russia”. You can also put a plus sign and the karma of the country Russia will be cleared. But you can imagine how much time you will need to put the pluses, which will clear the karma of the entire country of Russia. Can you imagine? That is, any generalization… Can you imagine how many of these “snowflakes” there are in Russia? That is, the relationships of people and their actions that have ever lived on the Planet Earth.

It’s like the management of reality, which is popular now. You need to make requests to space and so on. This is about the same thing. When there is no clear request, there is no clear response. When there is no clear action aimed at something, then there will be no results.

It’s the same story here. If you just say “I invite my Family”, then there will be no results.

Now let’s imagine what happens if we call each person by a name that we can remember. How does it work? We emit a vibration into space when we think of this person. And in this vibration, it turns out, the imprint of this person and the thought of him is deposited. The whole air vibrates at the moment when you say the name of this person and think about it. This is very important.

It is very important that you should pronounce this name. Because if this name is pronounced by other people who are not familiar with Your relatives and friends-the deceased, then the vibration will have a different meaning. It won’t have that power.

We need to condense charges in the air about these people, so that it is to them that the purification by Fire will go. We should invite everyone by name, thinking about these people, putting a charge in the space. And then it is to them that the purification will go.

And in this case, how much you can “dig” your roots, ask those who are still alive, try to find, include in your “D” lists as many people as possible. Then You will get a much higher performance than the one you currently have on receiving Fire Energy.

How do the Dead accept the Energy of Fire?

Reception of Fire Energy has two steps. The first step – for 4 minutes the Fire is given exclusively to Humans. There is a distribution of Fire Energy to people.

Further, after four minutes, I transmit the Energy to all demonic Entities and the Dead, who are near those who accept the Energy of Fire. It lasts  30-40 seconds, somewhere around 1 minut.

You if you want to invite all your deceased friends, relatives, acquaintances, whom you want …, you want to clean Your karma,  You can  invite everyone. Thus, they will be cleaned together with You.

In this way, we will purge the ancestral karma that hung like a “sword of Damocles” over everyone. Now there is a total cleaning and those who agree to take part in it, they all write the number of people who have died, for whom they want to “pray”, you can also say that, to clean their family. In general, this is the story.

So the quantity doesn’t matter. Here it doesn’t matter how many deceased you write down, the most important  is to put a leaf with names in front of you (all names you write out on a leaf) and just invite them out loud before distribution. Example: “For today’s Fire distribution, I invite Petya, Masha, Vasya, etc. (list all of them)» And sit down quietly and take the Energy. Energy will go to them, too.

When do I practice Phantom Hugs?

You can work with this practice both before and after receiving the Fire. It is not necessary to do this during the reception, because I advise you to concentrate on the Fire itself and think only about It during the reception. And it will already give you some insights, revelations and various things as it develops in You and clears the thin and thick, physical body, see for yourself.

Working out Phantom Hugs before and after the reception is a very good idea. For example,  you can do the Hugs with the Dead before the Fire.  I think You know that you need to study your family and all the Deceased people who come to your mind. Because they are somehow connected with You, You have karmic ties with them and they need to be washed, worked out, cleaned with Fire. Fire and love, the main thing.

Both the Dead and the living require such attention on Your part. Therefore, you can do the Hugs with the Dead  before the Fire, and after-with the living. Or Vice versa.

Hugs are not directly related to Fire. You can do them at any time of the day or night.

Who should I invite to the lists of the Dead?

Basically, people are born in the same genetic chain, in the same karmic component of the family, and the more you work out your Family tree, the more of your own lives You will be invited to the distribution. And the purer your karma will be.

That’s the power of expanding the list of the Dead, that’s the power. You purify yourself, and your children, and your moms, dads, there is just such a cycle in the family, and You purify yourself again and again.

We have Catherine, she has a list of the deceased 700 people, so she cleans up  3 or 4  her own lives. Imagine how powerful the karmic connections are being worked out. That’s why I’m talking about expanding the list of the Dead as much as possible. Because when You know your roots, dig deep into it all, then of course it will be a purge, a phenomenal purge

How many Dead can I invite?

There are no restrictions, you can invute even a thousand people, the question is that they all need to be listed by name and invited loudly.

Can I invite people I don't know? Not relatives, for example?.

Should I invite only relatives or not relatives too?

In this life they are your family and friends. And in past lives it is quite possible that they were your worst, sworn enemies, this is very possible. And those are the people that you do not pay attention, they are Your flesh and blood from a past life.

Therefore, everything is interconnected with each other, that karma is so deep and comprehensive that it just needs to be understood. To distinguish who is fellow and who is not  is wrong, it is again an exit to the state of duality.

No one is saying that we should forget about our children, no one is saying that we should stop going to work and getting paid. We live in a negative coordinate system, and it is impossible to live in any other way now. We will walk, we will get paid, we will live in a world of money relations. But it will be for the time being. Because time is now beginning to change. Now it will just be a different world. If someone doesn’t want it, they will. Many things, in any case, will remain with the negative coordinate system, it takes time to rebuild the entire system.

And until then, everything will remain in its place, except for Your hearts, which should give, not receive. We are talking about it. We go to the system of positive coordinates, so that we can give love from the heart, and not all to ourselves.

How do I invite people to a Fire Acceptance and make Phantom Hugs with someone I don't know, haven't seen? What to do with those who are already incarnated?

What to do with people You didn’t even know?

You don’t know what this person looks like, how to hug this person in the practice of Hugging. The question is this. Karma is like that cabbage. We will open layer by layer. Now we are working out our karma related to this life. And we invite the Dead for what? Because in our past lives, we were also connected to them. That is, we always go in approximately the same composition. Someone there is someone’s mother, then sister, then wife. And it all gets mixed up. That is, we are going in this line-up. This is why we purify our karma by inviting our deceased relatives. And it doesn’t matter who You represent, or what kind of person you represent. You can do it without a face. In the Universe, there is no special role for how a person looks. There is a role for what vibration a person carries. If you think about this person… It doesn’t matter what image you have, so work with it, it doesn’t matter at all.

The second question is what to do with those who are already incarnated? On my YouTube channel, I talked about the house of the Soul, about bees. The point is that the Soul has a matrix and honeycombs and there are many bees. When you do Phantom hugs, You’re hugging one of these bees. Because the Soul is multi-faceted. It can even be born several times, in different places and even in different worlds-this is also possible. It is in the material worlds. Therefore, if you are dealing with this one bee, then you are touching this particular matrix of the Soul. It is it that you are  cleaning out, it is the karma of this matrix of the Soul that you clean by interacting with this bee with Hugs.

In other words, You are working with these bees, with the dead bees that have returned to the home of the Soul. And the fact that they flew further and began to live there in other places, other worlds, including on Earth – it does not matter. As Soon as you have an understanding about the house of the Soul. I highly recommend that you watch my videos on YouTube . They will give You the full picture.

How long does should I invite the Dead to a Fire reception and do Phantom Hugs?

WE make Hugs with the Dead as long as we remember the Dead. If we remember the Dead, then we do Hugs.

But the lists of the Dead  You will always write them down, regardless of whether karma is worked out or not. Let us not be selfish and we will provide all possible assistance to all people with whom we have ever been associated. This is a very important aspect of this great spiritual work! Because by doing so, you will also increase your vibration level! This is very interconnected.

Is it possible to invite suicides to the Reception-Fire?

Yes, we include all suicides, of course. We don’t have any restrictions. All karma should be removed. It doesn’t matter how a person ended his  life, it doesn’t matter at all.

What happens to these souls can be found in detail in the books of Seklitova and Strelnikova, where they also describe such different stories. But in general, a person does not fulfill his program. His next life will most likely be in the body of a person whose life will end in childhood. You will need to work out everything that is not finalized.


Is it possible to put aborted children in the list of the Dead? Are stillborn and non-viable pregnancy also included?

The rules are the same for everyone. You can determine the gender of the unborn child and the name that you think of, it does not matter much, for the soul it is still a male or female gender. On acceptance of Fire to put +1D (dead).

Stillborn babies and frozen pregnancies are considered to be invited as well.

We call the girls Maria and the boys Ivan.
If many then Ivan 1, Ivan 2, etc.
Or we give our names, any that you like.
Abortions can be recorded, but keep in mind that if you record them here, the sin is removed after 4 years.
But You should know ?
If you do this again (abortion), You’ll  go back exactly to the place where you started from.

Can the Dead settle in the living person?

Yes, it can.

A clear sign of a dead person settling in is a crunch in the back. Urgently work through the “D” lists. If You don’t have any Dead on your lists, they can do all sorts of things that you don’t understand. Just need to work it out. Just expand the list. Carefully work with Hugs.

Can I invite famous people who have died? What happens if they are invited by several people at once?

The more people remember someone, the greater the benefit and amount of purification that soul receives.
Plus to plus is synergy.

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